NCCN guidelines recommend germline testing for men with prostate cancer, and patients with a high-risk family history, intraductal histologies, or other conditions, regardless of risk. These recommendations are also for unaffected men with a family history of hereditary cancer syndromes and a family history of pathogenic mutations.
Assess prognosis for localized prostate cancer patients
Information on RPMs can supplement traditional clinical variables such as Gleason Score and PSA levels to predict disease progression and inform personalized decisions on prostate cancer treatment such as pursuing active surveillance vs. definitive treatment with either surgery or radiation.
Recommends therapeutic responses for advanced prostate cancer patients
RPMs in DNA repair genes and other genes can complement clinical variables and somatic DNA testing when making a personalized decision on drug treatments.
Genes Tested
The core of germline testing is to know which genes/mutations have clinical validity and utility. The genes tested in PROSTATENOW™ are based on a combination of clinical guidelines and up-to-date evidence-based review as illustrated below
The most comprehensive germline panel for prostate cancer:
Combination of guideline and evidence-reviewed genes; total 23 genes tested for whole exons.
Total 227 SNPs tested to determine Genetic Risk Score (GRS)
The largest mutation database:
In addition to following the mutation-calling guidelines of American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG), we have the largest germline mutation database with data gathered from more than 300,000 men with or without prostate cancer. This information helps categorize relevant mutations in prostate cancer to provide accurate results.
We're here to guide you through the process.
Part of PROSTATENOW™ includes genetic counseling to walk you through our process and test results, along with any lifestyle or treatment alternatives depending on your results.
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The technology powering PROSTATENOW™ – clinically valid and utilized.
The clinical validity and utility of RPMs and GRS in cancer risk assessment – key technology components of PROSTATENOW™ – are supported by hundreds of peer-reviewed papers published by the NorthShore team, including the following key publications in leading journals.
Performance of Three Inherited Risk Measures for Predicting Prostate Cancer Incidence and Mortality